Monday, September 22, 2014

The big step


Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom. (Photographed by Me)

Been quiet for awfully long time. My apologies for that. It has been a whole lot of a roller coaster ride prepping for this trip hence I could not concentrate on any writing mean time. I am finally here after more than a decade of dreaming about this. Finally furthering my masters degree in a foreign country. 

There were a couple of things that i always told myself that i should strike off before i enter my 30s. As the years passed by, i managed to get a couple of things done, but just one was not quite getting there. That was my aim to further my masters abroad. At a point in life, i thought i should just give it up and maybe just get a certification or something, or even a part time degree locally. But the thought itself did not give me the satisfaction. I was almost aimless as to what i want in life and how i would go about it.

It was when yoga came into place and i boarded for the most thrilling roller coaster ride i could ever had been. 

From not knowing where i stand and which path should i take, i went through a series of events that slowly began to hit me with what i always wanted in life and where i should be heading too. Like Master always said, it is the inner desire, the desire of the inner self that matters the most. Guess i was really lost, as it took me 2 years to be where i am today. 

I would tell how this whole thought of abroad studies suddenly popped out from inside the box despite all the risk and issues that i thought would be a hindrance, it just fell into place, but that is entirely another chapter, we shall save that for another day.

Nevertheless, i am here today, somewhere i thought i would never be, something i thought was never possible, that one aim that was left to fulfil before my 30s, it is all happening and it will all fall beautifully into place.

Everything you want in life, every pain you face in life, has a reason and the power to make it happen lies in you. You just have got to listen to yourself really carefully, and want what you want a little bit stronger than ever.


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